1. 超人总动员的中英文台词 超人总动员精彩对白: Mr.Incredible:Showtime. 超能先生:好戏开始了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf. Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定会吃。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family. Dash Parr:这真是一个最棒的假期!我爱我的家! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys! 冰酷侠:我们看起来很像坏蛋,而且是很蠢的那种! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat. Edna 'E' Mode:(说超能先生)老天爷啊,你可发福了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips. Edna 'E' Mode:超级名模,哼,就那么回事儿!不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything! Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late. 超能先生:不!别用导弹,我什么都答应! Syndrome:太晚了!整整晚了15年。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength. 幻影:尊重生命不等于懦弱,而且漠视生命也不代表强大。 2. 问几个超人总动员电影里的经典台词(英文) 超人总动员精彩对白:Mr.Incredible:Showtime.超能e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333231626231先生:好戏开始了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定会吃。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family.Dash Parr:这真是一个最棒的假期!我爱我的家!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!冰酷侠:我们看起来很像坏蛋,而且是很蠢的那种!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.Edna 'E' Mode:(说超能先生)老天爷啊,你可发福了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.Edna 'E' Mode:超级名模,哼,就那么回事儿!不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late.超能先生:不!别用导弹,我什么都答应!Syndrome:太晚了!整整晚了15年。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength.幻影:尊重生命不等于懦弱,而且漠视生命也不代表强大。或者你可以去射手网下载《超人总动员》的字幕然后把文件用记事本打开你就可以看到电影里的所有台词了而且是中英文同步的。 3. 求英文《超人总动员》3~4句的评价 The movie is good, beautiful pictures, the story is simple interesting. But the whole movie what impressed me most is a dubbing: when superman's eldest son run very fast, find themselves on the surface of the water ran a that one laugh. Smile full of tong, really admire voice actors! 4. 求《超人总动员》的英文简介 The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was written and directed by Brad Bird, a former director and executive consultant of The Simpsons. It stars an ensemble cast including Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Jason Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Pe??a. The film stars the Parr family, each of whom has superpowers. After the government orders superheroes to live a normal life, Bob Parr (Craig T. Nelson), who formerly went under the superhero alias "Mr. Incredible," secretly returns to being a superhero behind his family's back. At the same time, his kids come to terms with their powers while his wife becomes suspicious of his activities.希望帮到你啦,如满意请采纳~。 5. 汽车总动员的十句经典台词英文 1、--老板特爱说this is the most glorious day in my life! 记得McQueen到他那里去换轮胎的时候他就说过这句。 2、--speed i am the speed “速度,我就是速度。” 3、--McQueen:“加速像凯迪拉克,冲剌像宝马” Guido:“Pit stop!” 4、--Doctor说的:那只不过是个空杯子 it just a empty cup~~ 5、--看,他们只是路过了这里,却不知道自己错过了什么! Look,they are driving right by. They don't even know what they are missing! 下面五个是很常用的句子哦!~ 6、But the last thing he expected was。 7、Three cars, one champion! 8、You gotta get me out there! Let's go! Get me back out there 9、Can he make it 10、You fool 6. 超人总动员主要情感要英语的 Pixar出品的动画片总是立意新颖,惹人喜爱,像是《超人总动员》(THE INCREDIBLES)就是一部超级好看的影片。 本片最特别的立意在于教导孩子们:平凡人也能做大事,同理,超人也有自己逃不过的烦恼。人们脑海中超人的形象总是无所不能、所向披靡,可是事实上,超人的生活也是烦恼重重。 人过中年的超人要面对老板的训斥,要承担一家五口的生活,平时想要帮助人们,却受到重重阻碍,即使到了世界需要自己来拯救的时候,他也有着无穷的烦恼——日渐发福的超人已然穿不进曾经的超人衣服啦!不过,凡是总有办法。在家人的协助下,正义终于战胜了邪恶,更让人感动的,爱赋予超人孩子们无穷的超能力,而正是由爱而生的超能力最终保护了超人一家人。 这世界我们不能做的事情有很多,但是只要还有爱,就有希望,生活就会有奇迹。 Pixar animation is produced in THE novel idea, loving, like THE INCREDIBLES (THE INCREDIBLES) is a super good film. This is the most special purposive teaching children: ordinary people can do big, empathy, superman has his escape. People in the mind of the image is omnipotent, superman, but in fact, the invincible superman's life is annoyance. The middle-aged man had to face the boss scolded superman, want to assume a life of five, usually want to help people, but by many obstacles, and even in the world needs to save time, he also have endless troubles - became obese superman is not wear clothes once superman!However, there always. In the family, justice, and finally overcome evil more touching, love superman children limitless power, and of love is the ability to protect the superman. Eventually family, This world we can do many things, but as long as there is love, there is life there is hope, will be a miracle.。
超人总动员的英文:The Incredibles动画片 The Incredibles 的中文译名 incredibles是什么意思:adj. 难以置信的;惊人的This is an incredible contraption.这是一个难以置信的装置。 She's incredibly incisive, incredibly intelligent.她机敏过人,才智超群。Untrue or incredible story;falsehood不真实的或不可信的事;谎言 I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable.我觉得这些椅子非常不舒服。Her incredible story staggers the imagination.她讲的那个令人难以相信的故事使人感到不可思议。
超人一家:父亲--超能先生 巴鲍伯 Mr.Incredibles ;母亲—弹力女超人 巴荷莉 Elastigirl;“金钟罩” – 巴小倩 Violet Parr;“水上飞”、“飞毛腿”— 巴小飞 Dash Parr;巴小杰 Jack Parr。 其他人物:超劲先生—巴迪 buddy pine;幻影——夏娃 Mirage;酷冰侠 Mr.Frozone。 1.、父亲--超能先生 巴鲍伯 鲍伯曾经是这个世界上最伟大的超人特工,一提起他的大号“超能先生”,当年简直无人不晓。告别了惩恶扬善的生活15年后,中年鲍伯和家人已经拥有了平民身份,搬到郊区过起了平淡的普通生活。 现在,鲍伯是一名保险公司理赔员,每天朝九晚五闲极无聊,优裕的生活更使他大腹便便。鲍伯多么渴望重温以前那种出生入死的超人生活啊。 这一天,鲍伯偶然接到一个秘密任务,他认为自己重出江湖的时候到了,他的超人才能终于又派上了用场,可是昔日的英雄已经变成了“狗熊”:头发秃了,肚子大了,裤子紧了,皮带怎么也扣不上了…… 在影片中,“超能先生”的超能力最突出表现在力大无穷, 且不说他能轻而易举双手托起汽车,他连锻炼臂力都用的是两节火车! 2、母亲—弹力女超人 巴荷莉 片中的弹力女超人可谓是人们心目中最理想女性的梦幻化身:她能文能武, 能里能外。作为全职主妇, 弹力女超人可谓是贤淑良惠,从管教老大老二的言行到喂小儿子吃饭, 她完全卸下超人的角色,变身成为最尽责的母亲。 更难能可贵的是弹力女超人在兼顾自己幸福美满的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。在影片中, 弹力女超人的超能力表现在拥有弹性极佳的身体,四肢可以无限伸展, 简直媲美“橡皮人”, 她那无所不能的身体给观众带来许多惊喜, 让人不得不佩服皮克斯的想像力。 3、“金钟罩” – 巴小倩 巴小倩是超能先生和太太的大女儿,刚上中学,正值情窦初开的年龄,暗恋着英俊男生。 在全家齐上阵拯救世界的过程中,巴小倩也在走向成熟,起到了一个老大在家中所应起的作用。 巴小倩的超能力是能够制造力场,能刀枪不入,颇像中国武侠小说中的“金钟罩,铁布衫”的决门功夫。 4、“水上飞”、“飞毛腿”—巴小飞 巴小飞是超能先生和太太的二儿子, 是个机灵、调皮的孩子。 他拥有超能力就像外号一样, 跑起来快得像一阵风,甚至能在水上健步如飞, 在片中最精彩的段落之一就是反派的喽罗们驾着飞船追赶巴小飞的那场戏,堪称经典。 5、巴小杰 小杰是超能先生刚出生不久的小儿子, 大家开始都以为他没有超能力, 但其实呢? 影片最后给了我们一个非常有趣和惊喜的答案。 其他人物: 1. 超劲先生 超劲先生是影片中最大的反派, 这个从小狂热崇拜超人的小子长大以后却成为超人们最大的敌人, 妄想消灭所有超人, 独霸世界, 当然最后的结局不难想像。 2. 衣夫人 衣夫人 是“超人"们的总服装设计师, 为“超能先生”一家五口设计了符合各自特点的超酷“超人衣”。这位个子矮矮、带着黑眶眼镜,长像独特,嗓音怪怪的老太太,实在是全片最搞笑的角色,她虽然出场不多,但给人印象深刻,尤其是不少台词都堪称经典。 3. 酷冰侠 也是一位“超人”,“超能先生”一家最好的朋友。 他的超能力是能在瞬间将水凝固成冰。
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