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  《猫》的舞台也极精彩。它的设计概念是“从猫儿眼里看到的世界”。观众可以从自己坐的座位角度看到一个垃圾场,上面堆放着1500多个牙膏皮、碎碟子、坏信用卡、可乐罐、废弃的汽车等等各式垃圾,全部都按照猫眼中的尺寸放大。台上还有一座重达5吨的天桥,供猫儿上下戏耍,演出时桥下有三个工作人员躲在里面控制烟雾、灯光、变出“魔术猫”。 《猫》的服装全按各个猫儿的形象特征来设计,共有250多套,上面逼真地绘出了不同年龄、性别的猫的肤色和皮毛花纹,每个演员都被画成了一个与其身份相符的猫脸,再配上30多个不同色泽和质感的假发,活灵活现地装扮出了一只只性格各异的猫儿。

Cats" is the most successful musical history plays, once become the pronoun of musical. The creation in 1981, is in London's west end the longest in the history, the United States last tour the longest of the musical, 11 May 1981, west end debut in new London theatre, every week eight, and rest on Monday, continuous performance to 11 May 2002 21 years old birthday in it, in the same theater curtain. "Cats" in the United States for performances add time total 16 years and two months, only this a play in the global performance, more than the total revenue of $2 billion, to 2000 in June the play formally announced, has set up a file in the global performance more than 6000 games. The excellent creation, exquisite performance level, 36 of actors play every skills, in the film old cat Gerry Bella ze by known YiLian · Peggy play, she was some media called British musical "first lady".

"Cats" role: "leader cat". The princes of the cat family, full of wisdom and experience, he must attend the annual the cat will, and finally decide which a cat can ascended to heaven for regeneration; "Charming cat, the mature female the representative, the party when she is brought climax dancers, in the blue color light, but her red fur had a warm; "Charm cat". When I was young in the family cat the most beautiful one, tired of the cat family life to travel outside, but had tried everything the ways of the world YanLiang, back to the cat family, has very ugly-her appearance most like a human, long hair shawls, wearing black evening dress, riding a pair of high heels. One song "memory" used up all of her cat of hostility, arouse her deep sympathy and compassion. And "riches and honour the cat", the "nanny cat", "the cat," "rock cat", "crime cat", "charming cat", "the hero cat", "superman cat", the "magic cat", etc. This group of multifarious, different versions of the cat and form the cat of the entire world. In the dancing party, they GeXianShenShou; Or song or dance or play, staged a follows isolde "earth tragicomedy", telling the theme of love and tolerance.

"Cats" dance and music of the is serious. In order to convey feeling, the director at a large dance scene to show the different characteristics of cat and character. Both a lively here tap, and a dignified luxuriant ballet, and dynamic jazz dance and modern dance. How nice how to make up, no rules, do not provide craftsmanship, not stick to one pattern. Especially as long as ten minutes that the "jie rick party" dance, the scene grand, passionate, let people watch out.

"Cats" stage is also extremely exciting. Its design concept is "to see the world from the cat 's-eyes". The audience can sit seat from his view in a dump, top pile up more than 1500 toothpaste, and broken dishes, bad credit card, coke cans, abandoned automobile and so on various waste, all according to the size of the cat's eye amplification. On the stage and a weighed 5 tons of bridge, for the cat had up and down, show there are three staff bridge hide in the inside control smoke, lighting, turn out the "magic cat". "Cats" dress according to each image of the cat to design features, a total of more than 250 sets, above realistic drew different age, gender cat skin color and fur pattern, every actor was painted with a status cat face, deserve to go up again more than 30 different color and simple sense wig, to dress up out of the only foray of various character of the cat.

谁能介绍一下美国品牌baby girl

谁能介绍一下美国品牌baby girl

不是,baby girl这个品牌我查不到,以下baby phat的简介:baby phat    BABY PHAT是美国著名的COACH公司旗下品牌。在纽约时尚舞台上,Baby Phat以鲜明闪亮的服装风格,得以在近年音乐界窜起,获得明星们的喜爱。在很多大牌女星的MV里面都可以看到Baby phat的身影。
  ◆ 富贵猫(Baby Phat) 品牌故事:纽约时尚舞台上,富贵猫 (Baby Phat)鲜明闪亮的服装风格,得以在近年音乐界窜起,获得明星们的喜爱。富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 是将嘻哈音乐 (Hip-Hop) 与高级时装融合的独特女性品牌。富贵猫 (Baby Phat)今年春夏的作品维持一贯“爱现”的风格,大量以丝质、缎料等亮面素材展现性感风华,服贴线条、迷你、挖洞剪裁等向来是富贵猫 (Baby Phat)擅长的设计,而深V领短裤等轻薄短小的服装,展现热力四射的光芒,偶尔的皮草点缀,则更是增添不少华丽气质。
   富贵猫(Baby Phat) 品牌设计师吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯(Kimora Lee Simmons) 从小接触时尚圈,让她对时尚设计丝毫不陌生,而嫁给专辑制作人兼 Phat Farm 服饰品牌老板罗素·西蒙斯 (Russell Simmons) 后,更令她顺利地将时尚与演艺结合,发行的作品更是闪亮无比,充满强烈风格。◆ 富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 产品类型:富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 产品系列非常丰富,从时装到美容产品,无所不涉及,包括: 时装系列:女装、泳装/内衣、牛仔
  包包手袋系列:富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 非常有名的产品系列
  鞋靴系列:富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 非常有名的产品系列
  童装:婴儿装、童装 (0~16岁孩子的时装鞋靴都包括了哦~~~)
  ◆ 富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 设计师吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯 (Kimora Lee Simmons) :
   富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 设计师吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯 (Kimora Lee Simmons,“西蒙斯”是夫姓) 身上具有黑人与日本人的血统,特殊的相貌令她从13岁起即引起时尚界瞩目,成为香奈儿模特儿,就连香奈儿设计总监卡尔拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 都十分著迷她的美丽。
  短短3年时间,吉莫拉·李 (Kimora Lee) 16岁就拥有为各大时尚品牌走秀的经历,包括:Giorgio Armani、Yves St. Laurent、Gianfranco Ferre、GIVENCHY、FENDI、Richard Tyler。 各大著名时尚杂志也很爱用吉莫拉·李 (Kimora Lee) 做封面女郎,包括:《Vogue》、《Elle》、《Harper's Bazaar》等。
  吉莫拉·李 (Kimora Lee) 更是享负盛名的大牌摄影师的缪斯,包括:Steven Miesel 和 Patrick Demarchelier。
  婚后,加上夫姓的吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯 (Kimora Lee Simmons) 更是时尚界最活跃的女王之一。吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯 (Kimora Lee Simmons) 集超模、商界女强人、热门真人秀节目评委 ( 全美超级模特儿新秀大赛“America' Next Top Model”评委)、妈妈等身份于一身,成为成功美丽女性的代名词,是无数女性的偶像。
  作为富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 品牌设计师,吉莫拉·李·西蒙斯 (Kimora Lee Simmons) 赋予富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 品牌以她个人魅力体现的生活态度,使富贵猫 (Baby Phat) 品牌成为一线时尚品牌




学名:Phractocephalus hemiliopterus






所谓的富贵猫鱼就是红尾鸭嘴。 红尾鸭嘴 别名:红尾鲶、狗仔鲸、枕头鲶、红尾猫 学名:Phractocephalus hemiliopterus 科种:鲶科 产地:广泛分布于亚马逊河流域 水温:22~28℃ 硬度:5左右 Ph值:6左右 形态特征: 该鱼外型比较优美,体延长,宽而扁平。在嘴的上下有雪白高贵的白须共6对,其中一对较长,常向前方伸展。该鱼体色基本上有三种颜色:背部的灰黑色、腹部的雪白色、尾鳍的桔红色。且分界极为明显,头及吻部很大,一条白线从吻部一直延伸到尾部,尾和背鳍均为胭红色,其他各鳍为蓝黑色,体态优雅。眼眶上半部为白色,形成一半圈白圈。成鱼体长70~100厘米。 饲养方法: 此鱼饲养容易,饲养时需要有过滤器,且要求单独饲养,在中性或弱碱性软水水质中生活良好,水温25℃左右,饵料为活饵、鱼肉等,白天游水的动作非常优雅,在夜晚开灯后,容易受到惊吓上下翻动。 习性: 性情凶暴(对小鱼),食量大,喜食动物性饲料,尤其是小鱼,生长迅速。