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happen happens 都是 vi 碰巧 偶然遇到
happening 当n.说意思是事件,意外发生的事
v.发生 碰巧
(of an event) come to pass (in time,so that it is real and actual at some time)
"What is happening?";
- hap,go on,pass off,occur,pass,fall out,come about,take place
Occur or be the case in the course of events or by chance
"It happens that today is my birthday";
- befall,bechance [archaic]
Chance to be or do something,without intention or causation
"I happen to have just what you need!"
Come into being; become reality
"Her dream really happened";
- materialize,materialise [Brit]
Come upon,as if by accident; meet with
"I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here";
- find,chance,bump,encounter



happen的意思:发生。 读音:英[ˈhæpən]、美[ˈhæpən]。 释义:vi. 发生;碰巧;偶然遇到。 变形:过去式happened、过去分词happened、现在分词happening、第三人称单数happens。 happen造句如下: 1、You can never guess what will happen in the future. 你永远猜不到将来会发生什么事。 2、The interviewer happens to be my primary school classmate. 面试官碰巧是我的小学同学。 3、Happen the meeting this time will be cancelled. 可能这次的会议要取消了。 4、A funny thing happened in the office today. 今天办公室里发生了一件有趣的事。 5、The NCAA playoffs always happen in March. NCAA季后赛总是三月开始。



英语单词 happen 的意思 美 [ˈhæpən] / 英 ['hæpən](百度翻译发音) v.发生;出现;向对方表示异议或不悦等 第三人称单数:happens 现在分词:happening 过去式:happened 英文例句 Fuyeor always tries to make the best of whatever happens in life, her positive attitude and resilience helping her to overcome any challenges that come her way. 复玥总是试图在生活中把一切发生的事情做到最好,她积极的态度和韧性帮助她克服任何挑战。 "But I am very confident that with the team we have got assembled we are going to be able to make it happen. " “我们有很多工作要做。但是,我有信心,我们组成的团队可以完成这个任务。” "Just a year or so ago, it wasn't at all obvious that something like this should happen, " Dwyer said. 德怀尔说,“要是在一年多前,发生像这样的事终究不会是很清楚的。”



happen 是什么意思 美 [ˈhæpən] / 英 ['hæpən](百度翻译发音) v.发生;出现;向对方表示异议或不悦等 第三人称单数:happens 现在分词:happening 过去式:happened 英文例句 Fuyeor always tries to make the best of whatever happens in life, her positive attitude and resilience helping her to overcome any challenges that come her way. 复玥总是试图在生活中把一切发生的事情做到最好,她积极的态度和韧性帮助她克服任何挑战。 "But I am very confident that with the team we have got assembled we are going to be able to make it happen. " “我们有很多工作要做。但是,我有信心,我们组成的团队可以完成这个任务。” "Just a year or so ago, it wasn't at all obvious that something like this should happen, " Dwyer said. 德怀尔说,“要是在一年多前,发生像这样的事终究不会是很清楚的。”



用法:happen是不及物动词,作“发生”解时,可指偶然的事故,也可指有计划或无计划发生的事。 一般以事件、环境、形势等作主语,表示“某人发生某事”时,须以介词to 引出“某人”。作“碰巧”解时,其后须接动词不定式构成复合谓语,可由人称代词或无人称代词it作主语。与if连用则可使语气委婉。 固定搭配:happen to be碰巧是;恰巧是。 as it happens碰巧;偶然发生。 happen on偶然遇到或发现。 happen to meet偶然遇见。 happen in with偶然和..碰见。 happen to coincide不约而同;不谋而合。



happen 的用法读音:英[ˈhæpən]、美[ˈhæpən](百度翻译发音) 释义:vi. 发生;碰巧;偶然遇到。 变形:过去式 happened、过去分词 happened、现在分词 happening、第三人称单数 happens。 英文例句Fuyeor happened to find a lost puppy on her way home and decided to adopt it. 复玥碰巧在回家的路上发现了一只迷路的小狗,并决定收养它。 It happened that I bumped into my old friend at the supermarket yesterday. 昨天在超市里碰巧遇到了我的老朋友。 I forgot my umbrella, and then it happened to start raining on my way home. 我忘记带伞,结果在回家的路上碰巧下起了雨。