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Love is in the air 是什么意思??
Love is in the air 是什么意思??

Love is in the air 是什么意思??

love is in the air\x0d\x0a爱弥漫在空气中\x0d\x0a \x0d\x0a例句:\x0d\x0a1.\x0d\x0aEven in the chinese animal kingdom, love is in the air: at a kunming animal park, a ram and a deer were wed across the species line in a special valentine's ceremony watched by anyone willing to pay rmb 66 for the privilege. \x0d\x0a甚至在中国的动物王国,空气里也弥漫着爱情的味道:在昆明一家动物园,一头公羊和一只母鹿跨越种族界限,在情人节这天举行了特殊的婚礼任何人只要花66元人民币就可以观看婚礼

love is in the air是什么意思

love is in the air是什么意思

love is in the air\x0d\x0a爱弥漫在空气中\x0d\x0a \x0d\x0a例句:\x0d\x0a1.\x0d\x0aEven in the chinese animal kingdom, love is in the air: at a kunming animal park, a ram and a deer were wed across the species line in a special valentine's ceremony watched by anyone willing to pay rmb 66 for the privilege. \x0d\x0a甚至在中国的动物王国,空气里也弥漫着爱情的味道:在昆明一家动物园,一头公羊和一只母鹿跨越种族界限,在情人节这天举行了特殊的婚礼任何人只要花66元人民币就可以观看婚礼